Table etiquette when playing blackjack

When playing at the 21 tables of a land based casino, there are many rules to follow to ensure proper table etiquette is employed by all players. There are some official rules set by the casino itself in terms of dress codes and unruly behaviour, while other unwritten rules are expected of each player to ensure a fair and safe blackjack environment for all. This article details the table etiquette expected to be exercised when playing at the blackjack tables of a land based casino.


Know the rules of the game

Obviously not all players who step up to the blackjack table are expected to be experts, but it’s good etiquette to first have a general understanding of the game before you play. Knowing the rules and how to place bets will ensure you don’t hold up the game and cause frustration to other more experienced players. Having an understanding of the rules will also ensure you have a more enjoyable and potentially profitable blackjack experience.

Etiquette towards other players

Table etiquette at blackjack casinos

It’s essential to be well mannered and polite when playing at the blackjack tables to ensure all punters have a positive gambling experience. The golden rule of life applies to this one, and that is to treat others how you would like to be treated. This means no belittling other players, or trying to psych them out of a win. In blackjack you play against the dealer, so whether the other players are winning or losing has nothing to do with you. Believe us, no player who has just taken a hard loss wants to be reminded of their misfortune by another player laughing or heckling in their face.

Asking the dealer for advice

The dealers job is to deal cards and keep the game running smoothly for everyone; they aren’t there to provide you with personal advice on how you should play your hand. This is annoying for the dealer and for other players and is frowned upon by the house.

Keep the noise down

Players often hit the casino in groups, as casinos make popular destinations for buck’s nights, after work drinks and other celebrations. If you’re playing at a blackjack table with friends, or a friend is standing by your side watching you play, remember other players are trying to concentrate on the game at hand and be respectful of this by keeping your noise to a minimum. This often goes hand in hand with our next point.

Alcohol consumption

Although drinking and casinos go hand in hand, be mindful nobody wants to be stuck at a blackjack table with a belligerent drunk. There’s nothing more off-putting than a loud, unruly player who reeks of booze consistently trying to spark up unwanted conversations, and spilling their whiskey as they wave their glass around after a win. These inebriated players are generally the same ones who stall games by taking too much time to place a bet, causing frustration for everyone around the table.

The other reason to lay off the booze is alcohol consumption will significantly decrease your awareness of how much money you’re handing over, while also hindering your blackjack ability. To ensure responsible gambling practices and keeping face at the blackjack tables, keep the drinking to a minimum.


If you’re a smoker playing in a casino which allows smoking, remember not all players at the table will be thrilled to inhale your second hand smoke. This means lay off the chain smoking, and respect the request of other non-smokers at the table if they request you postpone your cigarette until after the game.

Be a good loser

We all have good and bad days at the blackjack table, it’s all part of the game. When lady luck seems to have left your side and you can’t seem to catch a break, don’t burden other players with the disappointment of your losing streak. Nobody wants to hear you swear or carry on after a losing hand, it’s bad manners and it will immediately bring down the vibe for the other players who are having a good time. Suck it up and keep your disappointment to yourself.

Online blackjack etiquette

The beauty of playing blackjack online is you can disregard the rules of proper table etiquette and behave any way you like (as long as you’re playing at home and not if you’re playing mobile blackjack in a public place, where general human decency is still required). As you’re only playing against the computer and not directly against other players, the level of politeness and decorum expected within a land based casino does not apply when playing online.

You can dress in your baggiest clothes, go barefoot, shout obscenities at the screen and take as much time between deciding how to play your hand as you like. You can even open up another window on your browser and read our blackjack strategy tips as you play. This relaxed and casual approach is just one of the many reasons why players should consider making the switch to playing blackjack online.